
tit_ord Titolo Autore Produzione Data ORD Data Luogo Teatro
BALLI balli Simonet Theresa (1785-1791) -- 1777/03/13 13/03/1777 Londra King's Theatre in the Haymarket
BALLI balli Simonet Theresa (1785-1791) -- 1778/04/04 04/04/1778 Londra King's Theatre in the Haymarket
BALLI balli Simonet Theresa (1785-1791) -- 1779/05/15 15/05/1779 Londra King's Theatre in the Haymarket
BALLI balli Simonet Theresa (1785-1791) -- 1781/01/23 23/01/1781 Londra King's Theatre in the Haymarket
BALLI balli Simonet Theresa (1785-1791) -- 1782/11/02 02/11/1782 Londra King's Theatre in the Haymarket